Reseller hosting plan features

See also: Ordering a reseller hosting plan

Defining your own packages for clients:

1. Creating a set of features visible in cPanel on hosting accounts

How to create a set of functions visible in cPanel which can be used on created accounts:

  1. We enter "fea" in the WHM search field
  2. Click "Feature Manager"
  3. Enter the name of the new feature list and click the blue button below
  4. We choose options to be available. We can choose all functions and deselect those that should not be accessed.
  5. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page.

Thanks to this, we can determine exactly what the user of the given account will be able to do through cPanel.

2. Creating hosting packages for your clients

How to create packages according to which individual accounts will be limited:

  1. Enter the "package" in the WHM search field
  2. Click "Add package”
  3. Enter the name of the package
  4. Set "Disk Quota" to the selected value in MB
  5. Set the "Monthly bandwidth" to a large value, e.g. 1,000,000 MB

    Both fields must be set to a specific value, so you can not use Smarthost packages that have unlimited bandwidth.

  6. We select the rest of the parameters at your discretion, on the ”Feature List” we select the previously created list of functions.

    We recommend changing the limit of sending mail from "Unlimited" to a specific number (usually 500 - 1000 per hour).
    Remember that as a reseller you have a dedicated IP address that your accounts use. Sending spam by one of your accounts may adversely affect the receipt of all emails from this IP address, so from all accounts.

Creating accounts and managing your clients' accounts

1. Creating a new hosting account for your client

How to set up a new hosting account:

  1. We enter "create" in the WHM search field
  2. Click “Create a new account”
  3. We enter the domain from which the account will be used. We can use our own domain, that is, if the domain of our reseller account is we can write to a

    For the above configuration to work, the reseller domain must be added via cPanel in the "Additional domains" on one of the accounts and indicate DNS servers. We can use cPanel of our account converted into a reseller account.

  4. Enter the name of the new user, password and contact e-mail address.
  5. We select the previously created package. We can adjust the rest of the settings if necessary.
  6. We click "Create" and after a while the account is created

From now on you can log in to your new cPanel account via using the selected username and password.

2. Managing the hosting accounts of their clients.

How to manage existing accounts:

  1. Enter the "list" in the WHM search field
  2. Click “List Accounts”
  3. Now we can search for an existing account.
  4. If you want to log in to the cPanel of the account, click on the orange "cP" icon
  5. To modify your account, click "+" after the first column of the list and choose option, e.g. "Modify account"

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Dedicated servers

When high computing power is required, choose a dedicated server with full administration, in an European server room with the cPanel management panel.

VPS servers

When you need to configure an operating system on our hosting platform, it's a good idea to choose your own VPS with cPanel and root access.

Domains registration

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