In today's internet, one out of four pages is based on Wordpress. The second most popular content managment system is Joomla. The last place on the podium in terms of popularity is occupied by Drupal. Other free and widely used internet application are: phpBB that allows maintaining a discussion forum and a mailing webpanel RoundCube.Their popularity is due to the huge base of add-ons and modules, provided by the community of internet users. Unfortunately, you can easily overlook the other side of the coin, which is linked to the security of our websites.
On servers we have implemented the system which looks for suspicious pieces of a code in popular php-scripts as well as in theirs plug-ins and add-ons. It works on database with over 4000 exploits for Joomla, WordPress, Drupal and other web applications written in PHP.
The scan detects every unauthorized changes in user files. The system is based on constant monitoring of all files at the hosting account. If any file is being changed, it is immediately scanned. The system is able to detect an upload of a virus file via ftp protocol. It can prevent the attack conducted with stolen credentials.
The infected file will be flagged as security breach, even with a valid access data. Another invaluable asset of the anti-exploit system is the detection of undesirable code hidden in files uploaded by webforms. Simply, it is impossible to upload a .jpg file that contains php code with exploit.
In addition, the script will detect any modification of the files which are trying to attach the encoded eval() code ...
The servers are regularly updated with commercial solutions, whose aim is to care about the safety of your data.
We are way ahead of hackers, before they can hack your website.
We care about customers - automation of security
If an infected piece of code is detected, the file is moved to quarantine and the information about this event is automatically sent to the administrators as well as the hosting account owner.
The anti-exploit system may also remind about crucial software updates.
Create a test hosting account for 14 days
It is very good to have hosting that cares about your files security
Speed and performance: NVMe Drives, http/3, multiple cache methods, free data migration, free SSL certificates
Speed and performance: high I/O, lots of RAM, NVMe drives, http/3, free SSL certificates, technical support
Security and Performance: Full Separation, Anti-Exploit Technology, NVMe Drives, http/3, Redis, Free SSL Certificates
When high computing power is required, choose a dedicated server with full administration, in an European server room with the cPanel management panel.
When you need to configure an operating system on our hosting platform, it's a good idea to choose your own VPS with cPanel and root access.
On you can register several hundred types of domains from all over the world. Prices are clear and predictable. We are a partner of NASK and EURid