WordPress – Configuring Email Sending with SMTP Authentication

WordPress in its default configuration sends emails using the mail() function, which causes many problems and often such messages are not delivered.

This guide will describe the installation and configuration of the most popular plugin for sending emails via Easy WP SMTP by SendLayer. Of course, you can use any plugin that allows sending via SMTP.

In the first step, you need to log in to your WordPress dashboard by going to the client-domain.com/wp-admin page (replace client-domain.com with your domain name).

On the opened page, enter your WordPress username or assigned email address and enter your password.

Next, navigate to the plugin installation window on the left side by clicking on “Plugins” and then “Add New Plugin,” as shown in the screenshot below.

You will then be able to install our Easy WP SMTP by SendLayer plugin. Search for the name of this plugin on the right side and then install it. The search field and installation button are shown below.

Once the plugin has been installed, you can activate it by selecting “Installed Plugins” on the left side and clicking “Activate” next to our new plugin.

Now, all that’s left is to configure the plugin to send mail through SMTP. Navigate to “Easy WP SMTP by SendLayer” on the left side and select the “Settings” tab.

At this point, you should select “Other SMTP” option.

Below, you enter your mailbox data into the plugin configuration panel.

SMTP Host: Enter your mail server in the format mail.yourdomain.com (replace yourdomain.com with your domain name).

Type of Encryption: SSL.

SMTP Port: 465.

SMTP Authentication: On.

SMTP Username: Enter the full email address of your mailbox.

SMTP Password: Enter the password for the above mailbox.

From Email Address: The email address specified as the sender in the “From” field.

From Name: The sender’s name in the “From” field.

Finally, press the “Save Settings” button.

Example data has been entered in the screenshot below.

The final step is to verify if your emails are being sent correctly.

Navigate to the “Send a Test” tab and enter the recipient email address where you want to send the test email. After entering the email address, click on “Send Test Email.”

After successfully sending the test email, you should see a message similar to the one shown below.

From now on, your WordPress site will send emails using the SMTP protocol.


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