Tags and categories in WordPress

The taxonomy of posts in WordPress is very useful. It allows creators to sort texts and users to find the information they are looking for faster. Posts in WordPress can be assigned to the appropriate category and also given tags. Everything is done in the WordPress Dashboard in the Posts section.

What are categories and what are tags? Let’s imagine a blog about pedigree dogs, which is to have organized posts. Categories in this blog should be types of dogs, e.g.:

  • hunting dogs,
  • hounds,
  • terriers.

Subcategories can be specific breeds – for terriers, these can be e.g.:

  • Fox terrier,
  • Scottish terrier.

How to link such categories and subcategories? Namely, through tags that refer to common features, for example: smooth-haired dogs, long-haired dogs, wire-haired dogs, etc.

Categories in WordPress

As you can see in the example above, categories are hierarchical. We can create parent and child categories. To do this, simply add a parent category when creating a new category.

Categories can have complex names, and a good rule of thumb is that a given entry should only be associated with a few categories.

Tags in WordPress

The situation is different with tags. They are equivalent to each other, we cannot create a hierarchy of them. Each entry can be assigned to multiple tags, it is important that one tag ultimately directs to at least two entries. Then it fulfills its navigational role. Tags are not keywords, if we add a tag, e.g. small breeds, there is no point in creating tags such as small breed, small breed dogs, etc.

Tags and categories – why it is worth it

Tags and categories in WordPress are an element that is undoubtedly worth using, although sometimes they are treated carelessly by creators. And this is a mistake. Using taxonomy introduces order to our website, facilitates content management and is undoubtedly a great benefit for the user. In particular, when we are dealing with an expansion

Anna Starek-Wróbel
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