Turning on the SSL certificate in WordPress If You want your site working on secure connection, or the method you use does not work fully, I encourage you to read this guide. A secure, encryptedContinue reading
How does http/2 work and what can be gained with it?
The http 1.x protocol – a word about history HTTP 1.x is a protocol that was created over 25 years ago and though outdated, it is still widely used on the internet. The current standardContinue reading
Anti-exploit scan report in 2016
All files on Smarthost.pl servers are protected by a unique anti-exploit system. The system in real time supervises the modification of user’s files and makes sure that no files containing harmful software are uploaded. TheContinue reading
We protect your site from external attacks
We all like to use WordPress. Joomla has a similar fondness. The statistics are confirmation. Currently, at least one out of every four sites is already running on the free WordPress platform. The popularity ofContinue reading
5 proofs that Smarthost can be a partner of industry events
In 2015, we decided to go bolder to people by sending our brand to the north of Poland. Smarthost appeared in Gdańsk and Szczecin. All in cooperation with the organizers of JoomlaDay Poland 2015 andContinue reading
5 best things in Joomla day
Do you remember the British reporter Ben Bloom who described the press conference of the German coach Borussia Dortmund live – Juergena Kloppa? There would be nothing unusual about it, if not for a seriousContinue reading
Google enters the domain market
In the second week of January, the Google Domains service officially began operating in the United States. Another position in the rich portfolio of the giant from Mountain View can bring significant reshuffles in theContinue reading
Infected WordPress Plugins
Thousands of WordPress, Joomla and Drupal plugins have been discovered that contained a “gateway” that would allow access without user’s knowledge. By accessing fake websites that resembled the original ones, the Internet user actually downloadedContinue reading
Break-ins on the server through the leaky OpenFlashChart script
For several days we have been observing the increased traffic of scans of our servers by bots trying to break into hosting accounts. After the last big scan on Sunday, June 9, 2013, the break-inContinue reading
How to efficiently move a website from server to server?
There is always a problem with moving a website from one server to another. Transfer of files, databases, etc. is usually carried out quite efficiently – especially for smaller sites. Email accounts are just asContinue reading