Google domains

Google enters the domain market

In the second week of January, the Google Domains service officially began operating in the United States. Another position in the rich portfolio of the giant from Mountain View can bring significant reshuffles in the industry of Internet domain registrars. Opening the relevant international market remains a matter of time.

Google Domains with its intuitive and simple interface aims at ordinary network users who will not need fluent knowledge of DNS to have their own domain. When you register the price range varies between 12 – 30 dollars, the extension after one year is to cost no more than 12 dollars. It is now possible to buy a domain from a pool of hundreds of tips. Now you can buy hundreds of domains from the pool. In the panel, the user gets, among others the ability to manage DNS records, subdomains or 301 redirects via convenient tools.

Google has been accredited by ICANN since 2005. The very entrance to internet domains was announced in June last year. Invited users could test the service from August. The main competitor on the US market is GoDaddy, having almost 40% of the total. Last year’s Google news delayed the company’s entry into the stock market, investors planning to buy GoDaddy shares are skeptical about the new date of their debut which were originally planned in the first months of 2015. The result of GoDaddy’s competition with Google may be significant for the entire industry in the future.

Google can take over a large part of the market with extensive free services and powerful data storage capabilities. You can speculate that to get customers for a new service, registering with Google Domains will involve free hosting, integrated with Gmail and cloud storage services. The advantage of the rest can be much better customer service. Google’s new move in the US domain registrar industry has already been identified “Walmart entrance into your area” which is a good reflection of her fears
